Hair Extensions Winter Maintenance Guide

Hair Care can be a challenging topic; as the seasons change, so does your hair care routine.
Think about your skin; in the summer months, we try to stick with lightweight but moisturizing products, while in the winter, we double up on everything to maintain healthy, hydrated skin. Now, let’s do the same thing when it comes to your extensions. As our Founder, Dafina Smith, says “There’s Hair Care, and then there’s Winter Hair Care.” Let’s protect your investment by knowing the Do’s and Dont’s of Winter Hair Care.
Hydration is Key
As the air gets drier, extensions need moisture so they don’t dry out and need to be replaced sooner than needed. Switch out your summer products and incorporate hair products that give extra hydration. Look for hydrating and nourishing ingredients like Shea Butter, Avocado Oil and Vitamin E to help replenish moisture, restore shine and protect tresses.
Balance Moisture
When it comes to wash day, you want to make sure to balance the moisture in order to keep the bounce and volume in your hair. Mr. Smith’s Balancing Shampoo & Conditioner are the perfect pair to hydrate your hair extensions to increase their longevity while nourishing your natural hair and stimulation to the scalp to encourage new hair growth.
Avoid Hot Showers
Hot water can strip hair and scalp from its natural oils and moisture, making it dry and more vulnerable to breakage. Take lukewarm showers and end with a cold rinse to smooth down cuticles.
Incorporate a Hair Mask
Hair masks can make a significant difference when it comes to dry, damaged hair. They can replenish moisture and reverse the effects of dryness and damage from heat styling, indoor heating and cold winter winds. Make sure to wash your hair in this order: shampoo, mask, conditioner. We recommend using the mask in the middle so the conditioner can assist with closing the cuticle. Our favorite mask for the winter months is Iles Formula’s Haute Performance Hair Mask, as it nourishes and strengthens strands while also promoting excellent scalp care, without weighing your hair down.
Avoid Heat Styling
Your hair is already delicate during winter months and using heat styling tools can make it brittle and cause breakage. If you can’t resist heat styling, make sure to use a heat protectant and keep your hot tools on a medium to low setting to avoid any damage. We recommend avoid heat tools completely and incorporate heatless styling into your hair routine. Try a French or Rope braid or create heatless perfect waves with Sleep by Covet & Mane set which includes a silk WaveRod and turban to protect your hair.
Don’t Step Out with Wet Hair
Cold air expands the hair shafts, making them prone to breakage, and may cause color fading. Always make sure your hair is completely dry before stepping out in freezing temperatures.
Get a Humidifier
While outside winter temperatures can zap moisture from your hair, indoor heaters can also dry hair out, causing more damage. Humidifiers help balance the moisture levels inside and prevent any dryness.
Have a Brush and a Detangler on Hand.
Lack of moisture combined with friction from hats, scarves, and coats often cause static hair as well as tangling and matting. Make sure to separate your hair and rest it towards the front of your body to minimize friction when wearing a hat or coat with a hood. If you can, try and carry a detangler or leave-in conditioner and a brush to use throughout the day to remove any tangles before they form.
Overall, winter can be rough on your extensions. It’s up to you to moisture, maintain and repeat to protect your investment.