Milan features a dark brown root that seamlessly transitions into a medium ash-blonde with a highlighted effect. The dark brown root provides a rich, deep base that gradually lightens, giving way to the cool, muted tones of the medium ash-blonde. This color combination offers a dimensional contrast, where the depth of the root enhances the lightness of the blonde. Milan is the perfect choice for your clients who want to maintain a natural, live-in look while still creating dimension and brightness.

Milan as Seen on Customers

Created by Madison Renteria & Tausana Tausinga-Garrett at T + Mad Salon
A Dark Brunette Root with a Highlighted Effect into a Medium Ash-Blonde
“We love mixing Milan with solid brown wefts to add pops of blonde and brightness in our brunette clients!” Madison Renteria & Tausana Tausinga-Garrett at T + Mad Salon

Milan Pairs Well with

Milan is Available in
14", 18", 22", 26", 28"
The Cut-Point Weft in Silky Straight
18" & 22"
The Cut-Point Weft in Beach Wave
18", 22", 26"
The Coveted Weft in Silky Straight
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