Bondi Blonde
Bondi Blonde is a captivating shade that features a cool, ash blonde with a seamless transition from a dark and ashy root. Bondi’s root is rich and muted, creating a natural depth that gradually lightens to a pure ash blonde. The coolness of the shade is balanced and dimensional, offering the perfect lived-in look for your clients that want a natural looking blend.

Bondi Blonde as Seen on Customers


Created by Taylor Blades at Blades Styling
Bondi Blonde
A Dark Ashy Root Blending into an Ash Blonde
“Bondi is the perfect transition color to soften your bright blondes!” – Ashley Kolan at Luxe Extensions Co

Bondi Blonde Pairs Well with
Aspen Blonde

Santorini Blonde

Laguna Blonde

Bondi Blonde is Available in
10”, 14”, 18”, 22”, 26”, 28”
The Cut-Point Weft in Silky Straight
18”, 22”, 26”
The Coveted Weft in Silky Straight
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